1. Do you have a retail store?

Yes, we have a retail store in Bhanimandal. The details are mentioned in our contact section.

2. How much is the warranty and guarantee of the product?

Warranty varies from 6 months to 1 year, depending on which product you are buying. Warranty info is always available in the product.

3. Can I view the product before ordering?

Yes, you can visit our retail store, get the goods checked and buy directly if the product satisfies your needs and requirements.

4. Can we order through phone and collect the product from your office?

Yes, you can order online or through phone and we will provide you time to collect your product from our office store.

5. How can we order online from Nepal Max Technologies ?

First select the product, you would like to purchase. Click on Add to Cart, click on checkout and choose the payment method and follow the steps, it’s done. You will receive a call after, and then the process will be taken offline.